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Family Protection: How Social Security Assists Survivors

Author: Theodore Sarenski

CPE Credit:  1 hour for CPAs

Join expert Theodore Sarenski, CPA/PFS, CFP, AEP, as he walks through who can receive survivor Social Security benefits on a deceased worker’s work record. This 1 hour course will identify when benefits begin, when benefits end, and the limitation of potential benefits.

Publication Date: May 2019

Designed For
Any professional who is advising individual clients should attend this session as well as all of the series of the Social Security sessions to properly advise your clients on Social Security, the backbone of each person’s retirement.

Topics Covered

  • Immediate Actions upon Death
  • Who Gets Survivor Benefits
  • Family Maximum
  • Taxation of Survivor Benefits
  • Remarriage
  • Disabled Widows or Widowers
  • Death of Both Parents of Minor Children
  • Don't Miss the Lump Sum Benefit!

Learning Objectives

  • Identify how to assist clients in obtaining the maximum Social Security benefits for survivors when a loved one dies
  • Recognize how to properly plan additional insurance coverage for survivors by knowing what Social Security provides
  • Identify how to attract new business with your knowledge in a not so well known area of expertise
  • Recognize immediate actions upon death
  • Identify survivor benefits and how they apply to clients
  • Describe what to do with a Social Security check received in the month a retirement benefit recipient has died
  • Recognize within how many months of a worker's death an application for an ongoing monthly Social Security death benefit should be filed


Instructional Method

NASBA Field of Study
Specialized Knowledge and Applications (1 hour)

Program Prerequisites

Advance Preparation

Registration Options
Regular Fee $49.00

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