Crazy Tax Cases
Author: Eric L Green
CPE Credit: |
2 hours for CPAs 2 hours Federal Tax Related for EAs and OTRPs 2 hours Federal Tax Law for CTEC |
Join Eric Green for a fun review of the craziest tax cases, what practitioners and taxpayers can learn from them, and how to apply their lessons to your situation. Everything from Wesley Snipes protesting to redefining what “ordinary and necessary” means. This course walks attendees through the most interesting tax cases and teaches lessons in a fun, unorthodox lecture that is sure to both entertain and educate.
Publication Date: June 2022
Topics Covered
- Review of the craziest real-life tax cases
- What practitioners and taxpayers can learn from them
- How to apply their lessons to your situation
- Is the payment deductible?
- Frivolous Arguments
Learning Objectives
- Identify the arguments tax protestors use to try and explain why they do not need to pay taxes
- Describe ordinary and necessary expenses for creating income
- Recognize how to explain the role of perjury and criminal evasion in IRS collection cases, including Offers-in-Compromise
- Differentiate how IRC Sections apply in different client scenarios
- Recognize which IRS form notifies a buyer of redemption
- Identify what the IRS must do before redeeming a property
- Describe tax case studies and how they apply to your client
Instructional Method
NASBA Field of Study
Taxes (2 hours)
Program Prerequisites
Advance Preparation