1040 Preparation and Planning 3: Gross Income: Compensation and Fringe Benefits (2023) | Barbara Weltman Sidney Kess Greg White | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
1040 Preparation and Planning 6: Gross Income: Business, Farm, and Rental Income (2023) | Barbara Weltman Sidney Kess Greg White | 5 | Intermediate | $107 | add to cartSold Out |
1040 Preparation and Planning 8: Adjustments to Gross Income (2023) | Barbara Weltman Sidney Kess Greg White | 1 | Intermediate | $53 | add to cartSold Out |
2022 LLCs: Reducing Self-employment Tax and Maximizing the 20% Passthrough Deduction | Greg White | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
529 Plans, Coverdell ESAs, and ABLE Accounts | Barbara Weltman Sidney Kess | 2 | Overview | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
A Deep Dive into Depreciation Changes | Greg White | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
A Practical Guide to Form 8865 | Patrick McCormick | 2 | Overview | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Charitable Remainder Trusts and Preparing Form 5227 | Steven Siegel | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Choice of Entity and Tax Issue Entity Formations: Part 2 | Jennifer Kowal | 4 | Intermediate | $82 | add to cartSold Out |
Code Sec. 83 and 83(b) Elections: Tax Planning for Closely Held Businesses | Steven Siegel | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Criminal Tax For Accountants: What Every Practitioner Needs to Know | Eric Green | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Crucial Changes Affecting Real Estate Taxation | Greg White | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Cutting Edge Tax Strategies for Real Estate: Part 1 | Greg White | 4 | Intermediate | $85 | add to cartSold Out |
Cutting Edge Tax Strategies for Real Estate: Part 2 | Greg White | 4 | Intermediate | $85 | add to cartSold Out |
Determining Tax Basis of Property | Jennifer Kowal | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
Distributing Capital Gains on Form 1041 | Klaralee Charlton | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
ESBTs, QSSTs and Other S Corporation Allowed Trusts: How Trusts Can be Used as S Corp Shareholders | Steven Siegel | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
FBAR FinCEN Form 114 vs. IRS Form 8938-SFFA | Marc Strohl | 1 | Intermediate | $49 | add to cartSold Out |
Fiduciary Income & Estate Tax Issues with Foreign Beneficiaries of Estates & Trusts | Klaralee Charlton | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Final FDII (Section 250) Regulations | Adnan Islam | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Foreign Earned Income: Form 2555 Exclusion Reporting and Other Tax Issues for Expat Workers | Marc Strohl | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Form 990: Governance, Transparency, and Transactions with Interested Persons | Clark Nuber Lisa McCreedy Kathryn Okimoto | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |
Funding the Marital Share | Klaralee Charlton | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
IRS Examinations of Cash Businesses | Eric Green | 2 | Intermediate | $67 | add to cartSold Out |
IRS Practice Series: Representing Your Client at a 1040 Audit | Eva Rosenberg | 2 | Intermediate | $62 | add to cartSold Out |